Volksschule Wienerberg City Volksschule Wienerberg City Volksschule Wienerberg City Volksschule Wienerberg City

Wienerberg City primary school competition

Design principles

The proposed project fits in harmoniously with the planned buildings.
The  u-shaped building opens toward the south side creating an enclosed play area.

The full-time care area is located at ground level along the circular property boundary and forms additional open space with its rooftop.  The two levels of open spaes are connected by a staircase and a ramp in numerous places providing additional recreational space inside.
The ground level school construction protects the schoolyard and the school operation from interference from the surrounding road.

The building extension is continued without the disturbance of school operation using cranes.  The transparent facades by glass plates are divided by the massive wings. The uniform appearance of the school creates a sense of identity, the differentiated design and the choice of materials provide a welcoming, open and modern image.

The clear, compact layout optimizes the internal development and enables the synergetic use of the individual functional areas.  The stand-alone three-dimensional shape of the building represents the importance of urban development.
